Phone: (888) 468-0920
"When you need it written and written well..."
It’s not about us. It’s not even about you.
It’s all about the end user, the people who read your organization’s technical business writing.
TIKS’ technical writing service is dedicated to providing our clients with effective and efficient written communication. We work hard to make your documents easy for all your stakeholders to understand.
TIKS provides standardization, on-time/on-budget documentation for all your organization’s needs.
Technical Writing Company Houston
TIKS team is not just one of the technical writing companies in Houston. TIKS is detail oriented, organized and technological. Technical writing begins with research and gaining an understanding of your company and its products and services. We will learn from a working copy of your product, review your current technical materials, and speak to an expert on your staff. TIKS will create written materials that enable users to easily understand your product or service.
Instructor Led Training
Using our top notch instructors, we can help direct you to a better experience. From analysis to execution, we can help advise you for the best strategy. One of our senior technical writing professionals will be assigned to you, digging deep to understand your current situation. Our goal and priority is, to formulate a plan of action, then work with you to achieve the best outcomes. We are not just a technical writing company in Houston. We are TIKS.
Self Learning
From knowledge databases to manuals and user guides to online help files, as a technical writing company in Houston, we help your clients and staff to understanding the technical side of your products or services. By studying our technical materials in a self-learning format, they can learn at their own pace. They are able to be more self-sufficient with the confidence that you are also available, if they have questions.