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Policies and Procedures
Know where you’re going. Show how to get there

Policy and procedure writing sets out an organization’s objectives and how it intends to reach them. By their nature, procedures have to be longer and more involved than policy statements, but the simpler and more specific they can be made, the more effective they’ll work.

Wise Policy

Policies are high-level statements of intent. They needn’t be long or complex, a few sentences may be enough, but they do need to be clear and specific. Vague, empty, blue-sky hyperbole is no use to anyone.

Sound Procedure

Procedures are the ‘how-to’ guides, filling in the details of who does what to take an organization towards its stated goals. By their nature, they have to be longer and more involved than policy statements, but the simpler and more specific they can be made, the more effective they’ll work


Types of Policies and Procedures

Even the simplest tasks benefit from well-written procedures. More or less any activity your organization undertakes can benefit fromwell-written procedure documents. Some procedures can just save time, like a clear set of instructions on how to re-set a computer password. Other procedures can save lives, such as how to shut off gas in case of emergency.

TIKS technical writing professionals have years of experience inprocedural document drafting across a range of complexities and for a range of industries. Our know-how can help you plan and compose your procedural documents to provide all your stakeholders with the know-how they need to complete any action your organization needs.

Procedure examples:
  • High level organization-wide, e.g. business continuity or disaster recovery 

  • Low level role specific, e.g. validating user account or changing passwords.

  • Critical emergency, e.g. gas shutoff or fire containment

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